Crafted Living

Photography Monday: Details

Back in May, I took my camera to work with me every day for two weeks.  I wanted to photograph whatever caught my eye on my walk to and from the train station.  I captured these photos:

Decorative cat on a bench

Decorative cat on a bench

Graphic images on a sidewalk

Chalk arrow on a sidewalk

Dragonfly imbedded in a concrete post

It was a fun exercise and all of these photos were shot below my eye level.  Something about these images captured my attention and made me take the photo.  I had been walking this route for over 10 months.  But, because I was open to the world around me, I was finally able to really see and experience the walk with fresh eyes.  I plan on doing this exercise again and I hope you will try it too.  And by the way, that cat is still sitting on that bench all these months later.


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