Crafted Living

Creativity: Why It Is Good For Your Soul

Learn why creativity is good for your soul and necessary for your health and well-being.

What is creativity?  The dictionary definition is the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations.  Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being.  It covers the entire spectrum starting with art and music to cooking to web design to anything handmade and everything in between.  

Why is Creativity Good for the Soul

It will lead to a healthier and happier you.  Neuroscience says that creativity is a function of the cerebral cortex, which means that virtually everyone has the innate ability to be creative.  Why do some people resist it and never engage?  Is it because of fear of rejection?  Not enough time or money?  All are valid points, but it shouldn’t stop you from engaging your creative self.  When you turn off your frazzled brain and get into the flow of creating something meaningful, all of the background noise fades away.  You are left with something you created.  Yes, you created it.  Think back to elementary school when the teacher instructed you to create a turkey using your hand print or you created the pencil cup out of a tin can and decorated it with macaroni.  You followed the teacher’s instructions and created it.  No hesitation.  

Time to Play

It is time to return to that unrestricted feeling and jump in.  The time of youthful innocence was filled with playing, pretending, experimenting, and creating.  If you want to be creative then do it.  No one is stopping you.  Creativity is like a muscle that can be developed with constant exercise and healthy habits.  Set the stage so you can be your most creative self.  Accept all ideas and embrace failure.  Encourage yourself to build the creative process without parameters, keep practicing and realize that anything is possible.  Be flexible and allow your creative process to ebb and flow as need be.  No one is going to tell you what you are doing is wrong.  The creative police don’t exist and you won’t receive a citation for improper use of creativity.  Believe in yourself and create.

Finding Joy in the Creative Process

Being creative will put you into a flow state, which means you are completely absorbed and engrossed by the task or action.  You lose track of time and all your daily pressures, problems and distractions just fade away.  Nothing else matters but the creative task at hand.  You are joyful in your task of creating, which in turn elevates your mood and makes you happy.  Being in the flow will also calm and relax your body.  I host crafternoons, which are workshops in my home attended by my friends.  We create, listen to music, laugh, and have an amazing time.  Every time. We help each other through the creative process for each project and enjoy each other’s company.  Each person comes away from the session relaxed with a feeling of accomplishment and most of all, we have fun.

Creative Time for Me

I have struggled with carving out creative time for myself.  Over three years ago, my husband and I were faced with a difficult time in our lives as we were dealing with a medical crisis with my mother-in-law.  No warning.  We lived over an hour away and we both worked full-time so we would go see her every weekend, both Saturday and Sunday.  Our daily life was eating, sleeping, working, driving and visiting with her.  We did this for several months and she was finally on the road to recovery.  My creative time was put on hold because she needed us and we wanted to be there for her.  However, I was getting somewhat cranky and needed some me time.  A dear friend suggested that it was time for me to give myself permission for a creative break.  She was so right.  I got together a simple project to work on and spent some quality time with her and her friends just creating and laughing.  I was somewhat productive that day, but I will never forget the feeling of being happy and content.  

How to Awaken Your Creativity

You can start any time and find something that inspires you.  One suggestion is to be aware of your surroundings and focus on the details.  The front door of your home, your neighbor’s garden, or the delectable meal you created from scratch all contain creativity that might inspire you.  Today is the day to start your creative journey.  It is never too late to start.  I look forward to joining you on your creative journey.  Be inspired! 

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