Crafted Living

Block Birthday Card

Make this easy DIY birthday card for friends, moms, dads and anyone else you can think of. By following the simple step-by-step tutorial, you'll have a handmade card in under an hour! #craftedliving #birthdaycards #diycrafts #cardmaking

Make this easy DIY birthday card for friends, moms, dads and anyone else you can think of. By following the simple step-by-step tutorial, you'll have a handmade card in under an hour! #craftedliving #birthdaycards #diycrafts #cardmakingDo you struggle finding easy diy birthday cards?  I have the solution for you and it’s the Block Birthday Card.  And, you will thank me later when you realize how easy it is to make this card.

Gather the following tools and supplies to create the Block Birthday Card:

(These next 2 links are affiliate links which means I get a commission if you purchase through me.)

  1. Cut the white cardstock to be 4.25″ high by 8.5″ wide.
  2. Fold the white cardstock in half lengthwise and use the bone folder to crisp the edge.
  3. Cut a piece of tangerine/olive green cardstock to be 4.5″ high x 3 3/8″wide.
  4. Cut a piece of patterned paper to be 5.5″ high x 3 7/8″wide.
  5. Cut another piece of white cardstock to be 4.5″ high x 3 1/8″wide
  6. Cut birthday from Simply Sweet at 4.5″ in height.
  7. Adhere birthday to the white cardstock using the mini tape runner.  Adhere to the tangerine/green cardstock.
  8. Adhere the patterned paper to the white card then birthday block to the patterned paper using adhesive.
  9. Write your own sentiment or download the sentiments freebie below and mail the Block Birthday Card.[mailerlite_form form_id=2]

The Block Birthday Card is perfect for all ages, male or female.  Change the color palette to make it more feminine or use what you have on hand to guide your creativity.  This card is also a great way to use your paper scraps by making lots and lots of them to have on hand.  For more simple, colorful birthday card inspiration, check out these cards from my 31 Days of Handmade Card Series: Day 1, Day 2, Day 5, Day 19, and Day 28.  For a get well card with a similar look and feel, try your hand at creating the Block Get Well Soon Card.

Meet me back here for more handmade goodness.  Be creative!

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