Seeing the sights in Glacier National Park.
About Crafted Living
Have you ever thought you weren’t creative, but wanted to be? You scroll through your Pinterest feed and wish you could be a quarter as creative as those crafters. Crafted Living is the blog that will inspire you to create. All of the projects are simple and easy to follow with tools and supplies that won’t break the bank. You will also find loads of inspiration for your creative journey.
Meet Tina
I grew up with loving parents that encouraged and nurtured my creativity. I attended grade school at a time when art classes were a part of the curriculum throughout elementary, junior high and high school. In junior high, I learned the art of stained glass, which I still can’t believe the instructor was allowed to teach to a bunch of pre-teens. In high school, I created complex, intricately cut paper projects that hung from the rafters of the art studio. I attended college, studied design and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts – Design degree from UCLA. My college studies refined my natural talent into my approach to creative projects that fuels my creativity to this day. That’s why my tutorials are different because I use my design training to create projects that are straightforward and easy to complete.
My Creative Memories Story
I have been affiliated with Creative Memories since 1994. I started out as a customer and then I became an advisor in 2000. When it comes to preserving your memories, Creative Memories is the gold standard in the industry. With the best tools and archival quality products, your cherished memories will last for many years to come. Creative Memories is mostly known as a scrapbooking company, but many of the tools and products can be used to create paper crafting projects like greeting cards, party favors, and garlands. I love the tools and products and use them often in blog projects. Please visit my site here and when you place an order, I will send you a personal note thanking you for shopping small business.
Blog Story
I started this blog back in 2012 as a creative outlet to showcase my creations and my take on living a crafted life. This blog is a place for me to nurture your creativity as well as inspire you. Everyone is creative, but as we age we can slowly lose the ability to connect back to it. It is never too late to start. Think of me as the creative, crafty friend you always wanted, but never had.
For weekday inspiration to spark your creativity, please visit me on Instagram @crafted.living. Please join the inspiration conversation by posting your photos using the hashtag #inspiredbycraftedliving.
Let’s inspire each other!
I have lots of paper crafting supplies but not a lot of ideas I think your site and blog will be helpful. I like simplicity
I hope my projects inspire you to dig into your craft supplies and make handmade goodness. It’s so much fun and therapeutic too! I would love to see what you create.
I believe I know you and attended your wedding to Ken. I worked with Ken and your Dad, Tom. I remember your wedding had the most beautiful flowers, I can still picture them in my mind.
I am a scrapbooked and card maker and love your blog!
Wow! What a small world! Thanks for reaching out and love that you’re a creative too! 🙂